To demonstrate this, I have compiled a list of five PPC lessons I learned fro...
Hours upon weeks creating extensive keyword lists, utilizing every match type possible with tiered bidding to get optimal performance. Nowadays most savvy PPCers are aware that a small percentage of their keywords are generating the majority of their business, so the focus has naturally shifted away from a keyword packed AdWords strategy, and more towards optimizing to get the most out of those two or three keywords that actually generate revenue.New dynamic search ads keywords dead So, are keywords dying? I’d say probably not. At SMX IT Numbers Advanced in May of 2015, Jerry Dischler, VP Google VP of Product Management, confirmed that keywords are not going anywhere, but there is going to be a shift to a less keyword-heavy approach. “Selecting 250 million keywords can be painfully time-consuming,” he says. “There’s a huge advantage to structure based data rather than keywords.” Ok, so keywords are not dying YET, but DSA’s take the task of managing keyword lists out of the equation. With the redesign of dynamic search ads, control freak advertisers now have a higher level of transparency and regulation, so why not try them out? Check out Google’s Help Center for additional information on setup.
What are your thoughts on these new DSA’s? Margot Whitney MEET THE AUTHOR Margot Whitney Margot is a content marketing specialist at WordStream and nutrition graduate student at Framingham State. She loves all things digital, learning about nutrition, running, traveling, and cooking. See other posts by Margot Whitney5 Things I Learned About PPC from My Fish Last updated: August 7, 2019 Paid Search Marketing Last year, one of my colleagues wrote about what she learned about PPC from her cats. And while I don’t have any cats, there are PPC lessons in just about everything.