What to do in case of parental alienation?
Creating obstacles to a healthy and regular coexistence with the alienated mother or father is an act of irresponsibility, omission and negligence on the part of the alienating mother or father, in addition to going against the rights of the child and adolescent . Therefore, the father who suspects he is experiencing a situation of alienation can seek legal help. The Guardianship Council where you live can be contacted to obtain relevant information on how to proceed, as well as a lawyer to initiate a process. The finding of parental alienation can cause changes in shared custody of the child, increase coexistence with the alienated parent to reestablish family life, punish the alienator with a fine and, if necessary for the mental health of the child or adolescent, suspend the authority parental. Parental alienation and the psychological damage caused by it To prove this, a psychological or biopsychosocial examination is carried out, as well as personal interviews with the parents – with the possibility of the participation of close friends and family – and an analysis of how the child behaves in relation to the accusations against the alienated parent.
The formation of a multidisciplinary team made up of psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers is important to clearly establish the negative effects of alienation on the child 's behavior . Is there treatment for the psychological damage of parental alienation? In severe cases of alienation, the child persistently refuses contact with the alienated parent, hiding or running away to avoid interacting with the parent or complying DM Databases with the requirements of joint custody. Intervention in this case is usually similar to what happens in cases of sexual or physical abuse against minors, in which the victim is temporarily removed from the aggressor. Therefore, it is necessary to seek judicial support to begin the investigation into the alienation. During this process, the child who has suffered emotional manipulation must undergo psychological support to help restore the bond with the alienated parent. Therapy in this context aims to work on any psychological damage caused by attempts to demoralize the father or mother, such as depression , memory distortions, post-traumatic stress , anxiety, fear, anger, isolation, crying spells , among others.
When the effects of alienation are identified in the child in its early stages, they are easier to reverse with the help of a psychologist. How to prevent parental alienation? The best scenario is undoubtedly the prevention of parental alienation. As your objective is solely to attack your ex-spouse without thinking about the consequences, the responsibility for containing such acts lies with adults. Couples with children who wish to divorce or separate should preferably seek to do so in a friendly manner, putting the well-being of their children first. After all, they have nothing to do with the hurt behind the divorce or separation. The existence of multiple ex-partners who live in harmony and interact with the ex's new spouses and family members or, at least, treat each other with respect is concrete proof that it is possible to do this. The couple must talk a lot to prevent emotional issues from damaging the relationship between them and their children after the divorce. Putting pride aside, however, can be difficult in certain circumstances. When a relationship ends due to disappointment, such as infidelity , the desire to fight and take out one's frustrations on the other person can be very intense.