Afterwards, we go to the Google Adwords keyword tool (keyword planner) How to calculate searches for a keyword without activating campaigns in Adwords - log in to adwords 1024x322 1. We look for new words with Google Kewyword planner Regardless of whether we want to optimize the SEO strategy or carry out an Adwords campaign.
the main thing is to look for the keywords that best Phone Number List fit our site, or in other words, the most efficient keywords to bring qualified traffic to our website or e-commerce. It is of no use to us to have a lot of traffic if, as soon as they enter our website, they are going to leave quickly because they cannot find what they were looking for. traffic that ends up converting. MASTER IN SEO & SEM Learn the latest in search engines and web positioning from the best professionals in the sector.

I want to sign up! We have to be able to find the words that users are searching for on Google and those that we want our landing page to include in the SERPs . To search for new terms with the keyword planner, we have 3 options, search for new words from a phrase, by category, or from or from a website. On the one hand, from a phrase .